.DOCTOR Domain

Fillon nga @
Mbrojtja Whois

Duke regjistruar një domain ju rrezikoni të ekspozoni emailin dhe numrin tuaj të telefonit në internet. Me këtë shërbim të dhënat tuaja personale janë të sigurta.

Menaxhimi i DNS Falas

Ofrojmë mundësine për të menaxhuar DNS për domenin tuaj pa pagesë. Përfshin URL Forwarding, dhe Email Forwarding gjithashtu.

Menaxhimi i Lehtë

Ju mund të ndryshoni me lehtësi nameserverat e domainit nga paneli ynë. Ju mund të përdorni nameserverat tanë falas ose të një Hosti tjetër.


Mbroni domeinin tuaj nga skadimi dhe humbja aksidentale duke mundësuar rinovimin automatik. Mund të ktheheni te rinovimi manual në çdo kohë.

About .DOCTOR Domains

Doctors of all kinds can connect with patients online through the .DOCTOR domain name. Advertise your practice, offer health advice, write helpful blog posts, and more with a domain ending that visitors will trust.

Why choose a .DOCTOR domain?

  • Create a personal website to connect with new patients with a .DOCTOR domain. It’s a great way to put a personal touch on a website while showing off your credentials.
  • Take advantage of a New Domain extension that is less crowded than traditional domain endings—you’re more likely to get a short, powerful URL at a great price.
  • The .DOCTOR domain is not restricted solely to the M.D, D.D.S., D.V.M., and Ph.D. crew, so you’re free to get creative. Be anything from a relationship.doctor to a hr.doctor with this domain.

You don’t need a degree to be a doctor ; being awesome qualifies you enough to get a .DOCTOR domain extension. Are you the car.DOCTOR, the plumbing.DOCTOR, or even the fashion.DOCTOR? Great — .DOCTOR provides a relevant, unique, fun, and targeted new TLD option for your new site. And if you are an actual doctor, whether M.D., D.D.S, D.V.M, or Ph.D., make sure your credentials are shined-up and blinding by using them as your new dot.