.gmbh Domain

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Menaxhimi i DNS Falas

Ofrojmë mundësine për të menaxhuar DNS për domenin tuaj pa pagesë. Përfshin URL Forwarding, dhe Email Forwarding gjithashtu.

Menaxhimi i Lehtë

Ju mund të ndryshoni me lehtësi nameserverat e domainit nga paneli ynë. Ju mund të përdorni nameserverat tanë falas ose të një Hosti tjetër.


Mbroni domeinin tuaj nga skadimi dhe humbja aksidentale duke mundësuar rinovimin automatik. Mund të ktheheni te rinovimi manual në çdo kohë.

About .gmbh Domains

“GmBH” stands for “Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung,” and is the German equivalent of an LLC business. The domain is available for registration to anyone with a limited liability company in Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, or Switzerland.

Why choose a .GMBH domain?

  • Limited liability business owners in these countries can enjoy the exclusive .GMBH namespace, which is restricted to businesses that meet its requirements.
  • Show customers and website visitors that you own and operate a professional, accredited business.
  • Appeal to a German-speaking audience with a domain ending that will be recognized by those who understand the language.

GmBH, or Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung, translates to “limited liability company.” It’s the German equivalent of “LLC,” and is the common legal registration term for LLCs in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, and other central European countries. .GMBH is a perfect domain extension for anyone who operates as an LLC within these countries.