.barcelona Domain

Fillon nga @
Mbrojtja Whois

Duke regjistruar një domain ju rrezikoni të ekspozoni emailin dhe numrin tuaj të telefonit në internet. Me këtë shërbim të dhënat tuaja personale janë të sigurta.

Menaxhimi i DNS Falas

Ofrojmë mundësine për të menaxhuar DNS për domenin tuaj pa pagesë. Përfshin URL Forwarding, dhe Email Forwarding gjithashtu.

Menaxhimi i Lehtë

Ju mund të ndryshoni me lehtësi nameserverat e domainit nga paneli ynë. Ju mund të përdorni nameserverat tanë falas ose të një Hosti tjetër.


Mbroni domeinin tuaj nga skadimi dhe humbja aksidentale duke mundësuar rinovimin automatik. Mund të ktheheni te rinovimi manual në çdo kohë.

About .barcelona Domains

If you are from Barcelona or operate a business there, take advantage of this unique domain to make your online presence shine. This city-specific domain can assure your website visitors that you are a local, and gives you the opportunity to connect with those who want to know more about services or individuals located in Barcelona.

Why choose a .BARCELONA domain?

  • Individuals who live in or have businesses in Barcelona can show that they are an integral part of the community by using a .BARCELONA domain.
  • .BARCELONA is also a great way to attract tourists who are interested in exploring local hotels, historical sights, guided tours, and more.
  • This domain is also perfect for city-related projects, including special events, charity and community service, and strategic projects.


From its beautiful, intricate, modernist architecture, to its complex, flavorful cuisine, Barcelona functions as one of the art and culture centers of Europe, and a top global tourist destination. In order to facilitate the businesses, individuals, and organizations that comprise this metropolis, .BARCELONA offers a new TLD option specific to the region ; perfect for promoting tourism, marketing, promotions, community networking, and more.

Additional Registration Requirements: In order to register a .BARCELONA, you need to have a connection with the community when you register and, henceforth, a linguistic, cultural, tourist, commercial or other relevant type of link that contributes towards the building of the city and well-being of its residents. .BARCELONA.